General information in Utah Pot Guide about Proposition 2 and Medical Marijuana in Utah.

Nadler & Harris Introduce Comprehensive Marijuana Reform Legislation
This bill would be a major change to the way Marijuana and the people who use it are treated.

Utah Pot Guide has provided the links to the FDA and UN convention below

The FDA had an open period for comments concerning the UN Secretary General meeting of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in Vienna, Austria, March 18-22, 2019, that THC and CBD be removed from the 1971 Psychotropic Convention. This is based on the 41st WHO Expert Committee for Drug Dependence (ECDD). The US is a party to this convention. They are took public comments from March 1st to March 14th, 2019 concerning this recommendation. Click on this LINK and read the comments posted. Click on this LINK for information on the 62nd Session where they decided to postpone the vote on Cannabis and marijuana products. Hopefully the US Secretary of Health and Human Services listens to these comments and concur with the UN recommendation. Mexico is considering deregulation and will be sending representatives to the Vienna meeting(1). That would put both our neighboring countries in the legal market, while we might remain mostly in the black market without national legalization. Bolivia has also voiced their opinion at this conference(2). Marijuana is currently legal in Uruguay, South Africa, Canada and Thailand. Portugal decriminalized Marijuana in 2001 and reports published by the Cato Institute(3) in 2009 showed the results of this action. There are other reports on their site that give good information.(4)

From TELUSUR English web site:

(1) War on Drugs Has Failed in Bolivia: Evo Morales

(2) Mexico Will Regulate Specific Drugs After ‘Prohibition Failure’

(3) Drug Decriminalization in Portugal:
Lessons for Creating Fair and Successful Drug Policies

From the Cato Institute:
(4) How Legalizing Marijuana Is Securing the Border: The Border Wall, Drug Smuggling, and Lessons for Immigration Policy

Harm Reduction: Shifting from a War on Drugs to a War on Drug-Related Deaths

Medical Marijuana- stronger arguments in favor of expanding marijuana legalization

Yes, Marijuana Legalization Is Working

The Case for Allowing Interstate Trade Among Marijuana-Legal States
Data Confirm That Marijuana Decriminalization Is Long Overdue

Marijuana in the USA has been misrepresented for hundreds of years. Some of the compounds in Marijuana are also produced in the human body. The human body has what is known as the Endocannabinoid system. It has been shown that the human body produces it’s own cannabinoids in this system for various biological functions, and also produces it’s own THC in the muscles and brain. The THC receptors in the brain have been known about for almost fifty years. The Encocannabinoid system was discovered in the 1940’s, but it wasn’t until Raphael Mechoulam’s research in 1963 that the actual structure of CBD was discovered, and in 1964 Mechoulam found the structure for Δ9-THC, We have a sort of symbiotic relationship with these compounds. Perhaps that is why there have been no reports of anyone dying of an overdose of marijuana.

Annual Deaths Caused by Marijuana

With the passage of Proposition 2 in Utah, the future for medical marijuana in Utah looks promising. As legalization of marijuana progresses, both medically and for recreation, research into the medical benefits of marijuana will continue and new and novel discoveries will surely be discovered. Big pharma and large corporations will see the potential in both the medical and commercial markets. As these changes happen in our society, the use of marijuana in Utah will surely change.

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